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One is a panda that typifies China, the other is a mole that has delighted Czechs and eastern Europeans for decades. 熊猫,以国宝形象,成为中国的象征之一。小鼹鼠,捷克国度级的经典卡通形象,已在捷克和东欧风靡数十载。
Now, thanks to the efforts of the Little Mole’s ‘family’ in the Czech Republic and Chinese Central Television, the two will join forces in a new animated cartoon series that looks set to delight audiences in Europe and China. 当今,在捷克共和国《鼹鼠的故事》制作方和中国中央电视台的共同戮力下,熊猫和小鼹鼠将牵手亮相中捷新近摄制的系列卡通片《熊猫和小鼹鼠》,给欧洲和中国的不雅众带来无穷闲散。
The series, to be known as “The Panda and Little Mole,” is in the final stages of production and will start to air in China from March 28, a senior CCTV executive told China Daily. 中央电视台的一位高管告诉《中国日报》说,《熊猫和小鼹鼠》刻下处于后期制作阶段,将于3月28日在中国开播。
Weijing Zeng, the state broadcaster’s director of animation, told China Daily the 52 episodes would be aired on CCTV’s Children’s Channel 14 from 7 pm weekly, with two 12 minute episodes per transmission. 央视动画部主任曾伟京暗示,这部52集的卡通片行将登陆央视少儿频谈(央视14套),每周播出一次,于晚七点连播两集,每集12分钟。
桃乃木香奈 黑丝黑丝 足交
The joint venture starts broadcasting as Chinese President Xi starts a two-day state visit to the Czech Republic, which officials say is aimed at enhancing relations between the two states at trade, sporting and cultural levels. 这部合拍卡通片开播之际,恰巧习近平主席对捷克共和国进行为期两天的国是访谒,关连官员称这次访谒旨在加强中捷两国在交易、体育及文化等多领域的协作。
The Little Mole, Krtek in Czech, was the brainchild of Zdenek Miler, animator who first introduced the small black and white creature with the red nose 60 years ago. The cartoon series, famous for its simplicity, became a hit throughout eastern Europe and France. 《鼹鼠的故事》,60年前由捷克动画群众兹德内克·米莱尔创作而成,小鼹鼠这个有着红红鼻子的瑕瑜色的小家伙自此问世。这部系列卡通片,以故事情节简短著称,在东欧和法国沿途不战而胜,拥趸不计其数。
CCTV first showed the original Little Mole series in China in the 1980s, and it rapidly gained a big following amongst children. 《鼹鼠的故事》于上个世纪80年代在央视首播,之后在中国的小一又友中速即收货了一大王人“鼹鼠迷”。
Chen Chao, 33, a Beijing-based porcelain artist, was impressed by the unique artistic style of the original when he watched the animation program during the 1980s. 33岁的陈超(音)是北京的一位瓷器艺术家,80年代不雅看这部卡通斯须,他就被其别具一格的艺术作风深深打动。
“It was like a combination of paper cut and collage, and the subject dealt with the impact of human life on animal life, which in today’s view, related to environmental protection, ”he said. 陈超说:“这部卡通片就像是剪纸艺术和拼贴艺术的无缺聚会,何况它的主题商榷的是东谈主类生活对动物糊口的影响,以今天的不雅点来看,便是环保题材。”
He is curious to see whether there is change in artistic style and is looking forward to new stories and metaphors in the new panda and mole animation. 陈超暗示,他很酷好新片的艺术作风是否会有变化,同期期待在《熊猫和小鼹鼠》中看到崭新的故事和寓意。
Lucie Bradacova-Gomezova, a property manager and translator, told China Daily that she prefers the Little Mole over American cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, which tend to be more violent, whereas the Little Mole is seen as gentle and adorable. 露西·布拉达科娃·戈麦斯是一位谈具师兼翻译,她告诉《中国日报》,比较《猫和老鼠》这么更为暴力的好意思国卡通片,她更心爱《鼹鼠的故事》,心爱它的考验可儿。
“I remember watching it as a little girl on a black and white TV when Czechoslovakia only had two channels. Now my kids love to watch it on DVD. It really stands the test of time,” she said. 戈麦斯说:“我还牢记我是个小女孩时,用瑕瑜电视机不雅看《鼹鼠的故事》的状况,其时的捷克斯洛伐克唯有两个电视频谈。今天,我的几个孩子用DVD不雅看这部卡通片,不变的是对它的钟爱。《鼹鼠的故事》真的经得起时辰的历练。”
英文开端:中国日报 译者:绿豌豆(中国日报网爱新闻iNews译者) 审校&剪辑:丹妮黑丝 足交