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麻生希快播 Student expelled for cat abuse at Nanyang Tech - 男女性爱视频
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    麻生希快播 Student expelled for cat abuse at Nanyang Tech

    发布日期:2024-07-20 05:44    点击次数:127

    麻生希快播 Student expelled for cat abuse at Nanyang Tech

    A student surnamed Li was expelled from Nanyang Institute of Technology in Henan Province on Saturday after being found involved in cat abuse.麻生希快播

    On August 27, netizens reported that Li had posted a video of cat abuse on social media and described the abuse in detail in writing.


    After an investigation by the school, it was confirmed that the cat abuse video had been posted by Li, a student from the 2020 class, leading to his expulsion.

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